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Tehidy Woodland Management - January to March 2025

Over the next few months, Tehidy Country Park will undergo important woodland management efforts as part of a comprehensive strategy aimed at sustainable forest care.  this initiative is guided by a detailed 10-year management plan and supported by a Forestry Commission Countryside Stewardship agreement.

This work aims to enhance biodiversity and strengthen the long-term resilience of our woodlands against the challenges posed by climate change, pests, and diseases.  Cornwall Council are committed to preserving our natural heritage and ensuring everyone can access these beautiful areas.

For details of the ongoing works and how this may impact your use of Tehidy Country Park, please see the Cornwall Council information here

winning poster

Dog Fouling Campaign - What did we do and What was the result?

Portreath Parish Council have identified that there is an issue with Dog Fouling in the parish.  In partnership with Portreath Primary School and Gwel an Mor, Cllr Vicki Webb and Jo ran a school assembly, to talk about animals, how we care for them and their environment.  This led the assembly onto the subject of Dog Mess and the impact it has on our environment and our wildlife.  The children were keen to be involved and so we set up a competition of designing a poster that could be used in the parish, to make people think twice and to encourage people to pick up their dog/s mess.  

Thank you to Feadon Farm, Gwel an Mor for your support on this project.  

Whilst the children were busy designing their posters.  The Chairman of the Parish Council, Ian Stewart, took on the smelly job of counting, recording and picking up all the dog poo found in two identified hot spots - Penberthy Road (nr the Garage) and at the Harbour triangle patch of grass.  Ian counted these for 2 weeks.  

We had an overwhelming response for the poster competition, with 37 poster entries.  The panel: Portreath Parish Council; Love Portreath CAN; Portreath Primary School & Gwel an Mor, had the very difficult decision of deciding on the winner, the posters really were amazing!  

The Winner was announced on the 10 February, at the school assembly.  Viola, aged 10, was awarded a certificate and her poster in a frame - congratulations Viola!  

Thank you to Portreath Primary School for supporting us with this project.  

The winning poster was printed onto metal signs, which were then put up in the two identified 'hot spot' locations.  These posters were also sent to local businesses to put up in their windows/premises should they wish.

 Ian continued to count the dog mess in these two areas for another 2 weeks and we are pleased to announce that the signs made a huge difference!  The dog mess in the hot spot area of Penberthy Road, reduced by 67% and the dog mess at the Harbour triangle, reduced by 85%

We are really pleased with the outcome of our first Campaign against dog fouling in Portreath Parish and we hope to run another campaign soon!  

If anyone wishes to volunteer and help the parish council with this project, please contact the Parish Clerk at


The winner

Proposed 100% affordable housing development in the Parish of Portreath


Image of Housing and community activities

The parish council have entered into an agreement with a housing developer and Coastline Housing to investigate the possibility of developing the former WAAF Site at Cambrose and to submit an appropriate planning application if it is thought feasible.

The application would be for a small development of 100% affordable housing in perpetuity with a section 106 agreement giving preference to local people. If built, the site would be managed by Coastline Housing and would probably be a mix of rental and shared ownership properties.


To be eligible for any of the affordable housing applicants must be registered on the Cornwall Home Choice which can be accessed through the following link.

One of the criteria for a successful planning application would be to demonstrate the local housing need for this type of scheme.

Therefore, if you are interested in this and believe yourself to be eligible, we recommend that you register as soon as possible.

For further information please contact the Clerk:


Ukraine Flag

Portreath Parish Council condemns the multiple attacks and violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. We express our full support and solidarity to the Ukrainian people. We will not accept that our European values and integrity be attacked by the Russian Federation. We are firmly opposed to the dismemberment of a free and democratic state in Europe.

The escalation of violence, repeated bombings and attacks on Ukrainian cities and territories are a serious threat to the preservation of peace and democracy across Europe. We call on the Federation of Russia to cease its attack, to leave the national territory of Ukraine, to respect all international treaties and fundamental principles of international law and to recognise the full sovereignty of Ukraine over all its territories, including Donbas and Crimea.


Environment Agency Flood Alleviation Scheme

To read the update from the Environment Agency Dated August 2021 CLICK HERE

To read the update from the Environment Agency Dated July 2021 CLICK HERE

To read the update from The Environment Agency dated 22nd March 2021 - CLICK HERE

1st March 2021

-       The EA together with our delivery partners, Contractors Kier and Engineering Consultants Atkins, continue to make progress with the Portreath Stream flood risk improvement project.

-       Considerable effort has been put into completing the hydrology and hydraulic computer model of the Portreath Stream. The computer model has been updated with the latest hydrology and survey information and calibrated to best represent historic flood events. The Portreath catchment is extremely complex from a hydrology and hydraulic modelling perspective due to the influence that historic mining has had on how the water flows and therefore this exercise has been challenging. Final quality assurance checks on the model are currently being undertaken and this is to be completed during the next 2 weeks.

-        In addition to the proposed perched channel improvements, we are also looking for opportunities to deliver environmental improvements and additional flood risk benefits. We have commenced a review of the wider Portreath catchment by using specialists in Natural Flood Management assessment. The aim is to use nature where possible to further reduce flood risk whilst also delivering environmental benefits. This can include influencing land use in the catchment so that there is more natural infiltration.

-         As part of the next step, the completed hydraulic model will now enable us to progress and develop in more detail the designs for the perched channel improvements.


To read the Update from the Environment Agency dated 20th October 2020 CLICK HERE 

28th February 2020 

Today Councillor’s hosted a meeting with MP George Eustice, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, representatives from the Environment Agency including Helen Dobby, Environment Agency Area Director for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Kevin Bryant, Cornwall Council Head of Highways and Infrastructure, Cornwall Councillor Duffin and representatives from the Portreath Emergency Response team to hear the progress of the £4million flood alleviation project for Portreath.

Councillors were pleased to hear the project was keeping on track and that the business case would soon be presented. The group addressed potential areas of concern and are working on solutions to over come these. The Environment Agency confirmed that although the project had changed direction from its conception that they were working on a hybrid of natural flood attenuation and improvements to that channel through the village. Other areas in the Parish where flooding is as issue were also discussed and working with Cornwall Council and the Environment Agency these will also be addressed.

The Environment Agency informed the group that there would be contractors surveying during the next week, you may be able to spot them working!

The group will meet again prior to the business plan being submitted and to confirm details a public information session which is being planned. Full details will be advertised in due course. 

For an overview of the proposal click on the below link:

To see the Environment Agency flood Alleviation Project Presentation CLICK HERE

Family Matters Advertising Poster

Veteran Support in Cornwall

What you can do

Flash Flood Action Guide for Portreath

Application for land at Nance Woods & Illogan Woods under The Commons Act 2006, Mistaken registration under the 1965 Act, Schedule 2 (7)

At the February meeting of Portreath Parish Council members considered the application for 14.572 hectares of land at Nance Woods and Illogan Woods under The Commons Act 2006, Mistaken registration under the 1965 Act, Schedule 2 (7), Land wrongly registered as common land.

Martin Wright, Common Land and Village Greens Registration Officer from Cornwall Council was invited to the meeting and addressed councillors and public present. Mr Wright gave a comprehensive overview of the common’s laws, the application itself, the implications of having the common status removed from the land and information on how to make representation to Cornwall Council. Mr Wright explained that the decision for this application would be made by Cornwall Council, unless a person with a legal interest in the land came forward, and in the case of this happening the decision would be transfer to the Planning Inspectorate. Mr Wright gave examples of those who have legal interest in the land. Mr Wright explained the protections that would remain on the land should be removed from the commons register, highlighting that the woodland is within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and that the majority of the woodland was a Tree Protection Order Area.

Parishioners were given the opportunity to ask questions. Mr Wright confirmed the area of the application, stating that it did not encompass the whole woods and that the public footpaths were not in the application area and would not be affected in any way. Mr Wright confirmed that the law stated that unless Cornwall Council had an interest in the application, they would remain the decision-making body. Mr Wright explained the process for gaining planning consent on common land and that should the application be successful that any application for development would have to be considered by the planning authority and the parish council. Furthermore, due to the other protections of the land and the topography of the land that development was highly unlikely. Mr Wright stated that the remaining common land known as Illogan Wood and Nance Woods had a number of owners and should they also wish to make similar applications would have until the end of 2020 to do so. The Applicant also addressed the meeting confirming that the application was being made on the grounds of health and safety and that there was no plan for development of the site. The applicant explained that it was their wish to safeguard the SSSI and that of their farm land and the Iron Age Round that sits within the farm land. The Applicant confirmed that access to the round could still be arranged as before with themselves as is often done for educational visits.

Mr Wright explained again how to make representations on the case and explained that they would need to provide evidence that the land was not mistakenly registered and that signatures on a petition would not prove this. The final date for representation to be received is 2nd March 2020.

For full details on this application please see the link below to with the full notice of application: Click Here

To see details of Schedule 2 (7) of the Commons Act 2006 Click Here

To see Explanatory Notes to Section 22 and the Whole of schedule 2 Click Here 

If you require any further information please contact Martin Wright, Common Land and Village Greens Registration Officer, Cornwall Council. Environment Service, Cornwall Council, Telephone: 01872 224773, 4A Pydar House, Pydar Street, Truro TR1 1XU


Map highlighting area of the application



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