Committees and Working Groups

Staffing Committee

Purpose and Delegated Responsibilities 

The Staffing Committee shall have the following specific Staff Management responsibilities:

a. to be responsible for staff recruitment;

b. confirm individual Contracts of Employment and all terms and conditions; 

c. plan for regular objective review of the Clerk’s performance by this committee and take necessary action thereon;

d. decide upon annual salary awards;

e. appoint a member of the committee to seek advice for the committee in the event of a dispute between the Council and the Clerk;

f. consider matters arising from the application of the Council’s Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures and take all necessary action thereon;

g. as and when required under the Council’s Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures, appoint an Appeals Panel, whose members will not be members of the Staffing Committee, and appoint the Chairman of the Appeals Panel who will initiate an Appeals Panel Meeting;

h. consider recommendations from the Appeal Panel and take necessary actions thereon.



Cllr Shirley Nash - Chairman 

Cllr Ian Stewart - Vice Chairman 

Cllr John Tull

Cllr Julie Parker 

Cllr Simon Goodwin  


Staffing Committee Terms of Reference  



Upcoming Meetings 


WAAF Site Working Group


Consider all options for the future of the WAAF Site, prepare a business case for each of the options and consult with parishioners on the Future of the WAAF Site. 


Cllr Mark Hitchen 

Cllr Simon Goodwin

Cllr Ian Stewart 

Cllr Ann Jarman 

Cllr. Shirley Nash  



WAAF Site Working Group Terms of Reference  


Upcoming Meetings  
Saturday 15th February at 9.30am

If you would like to attend, please contact the Clerk for more information by emailing