Portreath Climate Action Working Group




Over time the Portreath CAN evolved and membership dwindled. Councillors recognised that it was missing the guidance of the group and formed the Climate Action Working Group, a working group of the council. The working group is open to members of the public as well as councillors. If you fancy being involved please contact the Clerk: clerk@portreath-pc.gov.uk

The working group meet informally on a regular basis, and form a link with the other climate action groups in the parish and within the Community Network Area as well as offering guidance to Parish Councillors in their  decision making and keeping the Climate Action Plan up to date.


Portreath Parish Climate Action Plan  

Terms of Reference - Climate Action Working Group 

Code of Conduct  


Climate Action Working Group Members 


Councillor Gillan Tull

Councillor Shirley Nash 



March 2020 - Portreath Parish Council Declares a Climate Change Emergency

At their March meeting Members of Portreath Parish Council Declared a Climate Change Emergency.

Portreath Parish Council believes that all governments (National, regional and local) have a duty to limit the negative impacts of Climate Breakdown. Also, that local governments recognise this and should not wait for their national governments to change their policies. It is important for the residents of Portreath, Cornwall and the UK that councils commit to carbon neutrality as quickly as possible.

Portreath Parish Council wish to make a powerful statement to parishioners showing commitment to support other councils and adding to the wave of communities demanding that Westminster takes a meaningful lead on addressing climate change.

A Climate Action Network has been set up.  The purpose is to prepare action plans to help Portreath mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. If you are interested in being involved or just supporting this initiative please email:



20th July 2020 - Climate Action Plan Adopted

As you may be aware, in March 2020, the Council declared a Climate Emergency and it was agreed to establish a climate action network. 

Portreath CAN created an action plan for the Parish Council to help it to achieve its objectives of reducing its own carbon footprint and supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives within the Parish.

This action plan was adopted at an Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on the 20th July and can be seen by following the link below.

Portreath CAN will aim to support the Portreath Parish Council achieving its goals. It will also move on to look at a more community-based agenda including initiatives beyond the remit of the parish council. 

If you would like help the work of Portreath CAN, or just be kept informed of its progress, please email: portreathparishcouncl@gmail.com Everyone is welcome!

Portreath Parish Climate Action Plan Adopted 20-07-20

Updates from Portreath Climate Action Network (CAN)