Tregea Hill Improvements Scheme  Map

Following the Public Consultation Cornwall Council have informed us: 

Infra23-006 - Tregea Hill, Portreath

Overall, there was a mixture of responses received, with support for some elements of the scheme and objections to others. All comments were considered carefully before a final decision was made.

The main purpose of the scheme is to prevent inappropriate parking, promote active travel and ensure the safety of vulnerable road users, whilst maintaining adequate traffic flow. Therefore, it has been resolved to implement the scheme in an amended form.

The proposed cycle lane will not be progressed, however the provision of a no loading restriction will be extended up to and including the length of the highway safety barrier. This amendment is in line with the comments received during the consultation, suggesting that parking in this area causes the greatest risk to all road users, and that it is essential that carriageway width is maintained at this location. Please refer to the attached plan (Infra23-006_SN01_SAR) for details.

Our works programme indicates that construction will start on site on 1st February 2024. Please note that any new parking and speed restrictions will not come into effect until all the necessary works have been carried-out on site.

Further information on construction timescales, when they become available, can be found on the Roadworks section of Cornwall Council’s website at



Tregea Hill Improvements - Consultation

Tregea Hill Consultation map

The consultation on the proposals for the improvements on TregeaHill is now live on the Cornwall Council website:

 Consultation details (

This will be live until the 22nd December. 

There are number of ways you can engage with this consultation, including online,

By email:  E-mail Infrastructure Design at, quoting the scheme name and reference, and indicating your support or objection (with reasons) to the proposals.

 In Writing: using the Consultation Response Form, indicating your support or objection to the proposals

More details are available in the document below:

Tregea Hill Improvements - Consultation Letter  




The County of Cornwall (Portreath) (Tregea Hill) (Restrictions on Waiting) (Amendment) Order 2023

The County of Cornwall (Portreath) (30mph Speed Limit) (Revocation) Order 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cornwall Council proposes to make the above Orders to regulate traffic in Portreath. The effect is to introduce, amend and revoke various waiting restrictions, and to extend the existing 30mph speed limit.

Copies of the relevant documents are available for public inspection during normal office hours at Reception, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY. Alternatively, please telephone 01872 327250 or email to obtain further information. Please quote reference infra23-006 on all correspondence.

Comments of support, objections or any other representations, must be sent in writing, with objections specifying the grounds on which they are made, to Cormac Solutions Ltd, Infrastructure Design Group, Radnor Road, Scorrier, Redruth, TR16 5EH. Any representations must be received no later than the 22/12/2023. Alternatively, you can respond on-line by visiting: Once registered, you will be able to submit responses to this and other current traffic consultations.

We value your privacy. To find out how we use the data you provide, please visit

No waiting at any time

Tregea Hill sections along its length.

No loading at any time

Tregea Hill sections along its length.

30mph speed limit

Tregea Hill between 8m and 326m south-east of junction with Battery Hill